About GSR Coupons
Goodsmile Racing are offering a GSR coupon system so that by purchasing specific products anyone can become a personal sponsor and add to their contributions as a sponsor.
When you purchase an GSR coupon item, the serial number will be attached to or enclosed in the item.
If you register this code in the form below, points will be added for our personal sponsors. If you are not a personal sponsor yet, by entering the necessary information and agreeing to our terms, you can easily become a personal sponsor and register your GSR coupons.
After your registration is complete, we will send you an individual sponsor card from our executive office according to the amount you contribute.
In addition, the GSR coupon system can allow you to raise your individual sponsor rank (Green, Gold, etc.) according to the points you add.
The rankings are reflected on the Personal Sponsors List for the race week.
* The GSR coupon system ranking for a given year will be reset on November 30th when the races end.
* The contents are subject to change every year.
* Please note that some products do not contain GSR coupons.
* GSR coupons are not discount tickets that can be used to purchase products.
Code Number Redemption Page
New user
Company(When registering as a company.) |
Name* |
First Last |
Handle Name Maximum 50 characters |
Click here for handle name guidelines |
Region | |
Post code* |
Address* |
Phone number* |
Applicants to The Otokomae Course and Chouotoko Course will be contacted on the same day, so please enter your mobile number. |
Email* |
Input again for confirmation. |
Gender* | |
Occupation | |
Date of birth* | Year Month Day |
Desired Password* |
Must be 4~50 alphanumeric characters. (No symbols.) Input again for confirmation. |
About receiving email magazines* |
Terms of Service* |
[Important] Please read the Terms of Use before registering. I agree to the terms of service. |